Use "aardwolf|aardwolves" in a sentence

1. Aardwolf, hyenas

Protèle, hyènes

2. Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) Hyaenidae 2,000 113.

Grand podarge et autres caprimulgiformes

3. || || Proteles cristata (III Botswana) || Aardwolf

|| || Proteles cristata (III Botswana) || Protèle

4. Endangered species: Spectacled bear Laysan duck Aardwolf Silvered leaf monkey

Canard de Laysan

5. The omnivorous striped hyaena and termitivorous aardwolf have typical mammalian basal rates.

La Hyène rayée, animal omnivore, et le Protèle, un termitivore, ont des métabolismes de base typiques de mammifères.

6. Some other animal residents are either nocturnal or do not often show themselves to people. These include animals such as the aardwolf, lynx, antbear, black-backed jackal, caracal and Cape porcupine.

D’autres résidents animaliers sont nocturnes et ne se montrent pas souvent comme le protèle, lynx, fourmilier, chacal au dos noir, caracal et le porc-épic du Cap.